Inline editing

The data table has a number of methods to help you edit the data directly in the table.

Note: For each column edit setting, you need to have a corresponding field in the form.


With the editable method, you can click on the data in the table and edit the saved data in the pop-up dialog box.

Text input


Textarea input



The second parameter is the option selected by select

$grid->column('title')->editable('select', [1 => 'option1', 2 => 'option2', 3 => 'option3']);

Date selection


Date and time selection


Year selection


Month selection


Day selection



Note: In the grid, set a switch for a field, and you need to set the same switch for the field in form.

Quickly turn the column into a switch component, using the following:


// set text, color, and stored values
$states = [
    'on' => ['value' => 1, 'text' => 'open', 'color' => 'primary'],
    'off' => ['value' => 2, 'text' => 'close', 'color' => 'default'],

Switch group

Note: switch is set for some fields in grid, and the same switch should be set for these fields in form.

Quickly turn the column into a switch component group, using the following:

$states = [
    'on' => ['text' => 'YES'],
    'off' => ['text' => 'NO'],

    'hot' => 'hot',
    'new' => 'latest'
    'recommend' => 'recommended',
], $states);


Set the column to the radio component and set the same radio for these fields in the form method.

    1 => 'Sed ut perspiciatis unde omni',
    2 => 'voluptatem accusantium doloremque',
    3 => 'dicta sunt explicabo',
    4 => 'laudantium, totam rem aperiam',


Set this column to the checkbox component and also set the same checkbox for these fields in the form method.

    1 => 'Sed ut perspiciatis unde omni',
    2 => 'voluptatem accusantium doloremque',
    3 => 'dicta sunt explicabo',
    4 => 'laudantium, totam rem aperiam',